Spending time Outside

 Evan Marchand 

Out of class contributions  

(2-4 contribution points) 

Summers coming early 

photo taken by me on my walk from the quad


Last weekend in Keene state we got to see the nicest day of the year, the sun was shining the flowers were blooming, how could you not be outside? The campus was lined with students all down Appain way, sporting their summer outfits. I woke up that Friday ready to enjoy the heat, I walked down to the DC to get breakfast and the walk was beautiful, the campus was lively, people were walking their dogs, the flowers on the trees had just reached a bloom. After my breakfast I met up with some friends on the quad, hundreds of blankets sprawled out covering almost the whole quad! There were people sun tanning, playing frisbee, listening to music, it felt surreal as I sat out in the sun, soaking in the rays. After our morning chat on the quad had come to an end, I had to get ready to go, me and my girlfriend Katelyn planned a trip to drive down to the lake, we got our bags packed and headed to the car. I rolled the windows down so I could smell the sweet spring air, and Katelyn put on the music, we were ready to go. We sang and drove the whole way there to find we were almost the only people at the lake, this came as a pleasant surprise to us. There were a few families playing on the opposite side of the beach, so we plopped our bags, rolled out the blanket and synced the speaker up. It was blissful, the light ripples washing up on the shore, and the birds chirping felt like a paradise, we talked for a few hours, ate our lunches we packed, it was a super fun day. All until the wind started coming to cool us down, but it got too cold to stay, so we gathered our things and left the lake. Then when I got back home, I took a long nap, I would give the day a 10/10. 



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