
Spending time Outside

  Evan M archand   Out of class contributions    (2-4 contribution points)   Summers coming early   photo taken by me on my walk from the quad   Last weekend in Keene state we got to see the nicest day of the year, the sun was shining the flowers were blo oming, how could you not be outside? The campus was lined with students all down A p p ain way, sporting their summer outfits. I woke up that Friday ready to enjoy the heat, I walked down to the DC to get breakfast and the walk was beautiful, the campus was lively, people were walking their dogs, the flowers on the trees had just reached a bloom. After my breakfast I met up with some friends on the quad, hundreds of bl ankets sprawled out covering almost the whole quad! There were people sun tanning, playing frisbee, listening to music, it felt surreal as I sat out in the sun, soaking in the rays. After our morning chat on the quad had come to an end, I had to get ready to go, me and my girlfriend Katelyn planned a trip to drive

The Findings of Gaylord Nelson

              Evan Marchand             04-27-23                                                                                 Gaylord Nelson                        Gaylord Anton Nelson was an American Democratic Politician and Environmentalist. Born and           raised in Wisconsin, where he grew up on his families farm, This farm likely jumpstarted the inspiration for Nelson's dedication in environmentalism. Proceeding High school, he attended the San Jose State University to study Law, Graduated in 1942 and was later admitted to the Bar association, where he would work in law. He even spent some time stationed in Okinawa Japan fighting in World war 2. Following his military service h e served for four years and two terms as the Governor of Wisconsin before he   was elected to the US senate in 1962. During his time as Governor, His interest in environmental issues began to grow, specifically for pollution and  loss of natural resources.  He operated in the senate from 1963 to

Protecting the Darwin's Fox

                                                                               Protecting The Darwin's Fox                Evan Marchand                                      Photo of Darwins Fox by: Bell, Thomas; Darwin, Charles(Wikimedia commons)       The Darwin’s Fox is an Endangered species of fox located in the Hills and Forests of the Chilean coasts and islands. With about 700 individuals left in the wild and decreasing, the Darwin fox population is at the foot of extinction and needs protection within their environment. Darwin's fox, named by naturalist Charles Darwin, was first discovered in December of 1834, Charles Darwin was on a Beagle expedition mission, when he noticed a small black fox sitting atop a point watching him survey the land. Named after Darwin based on its curious and investigative nature, The Darwin's fox was originally believed to be a breed of short haired gray fox, however these theories were proven incorrect when Darwin's fox DNA was cros

Effects of Plastic Recycling

                                                                                                   Harmful Effects of Plastic Recycling                                         by: Evan Marchand                                                     original article:   Where does your plastic go? photo by: Fquasie(wiki commons)                                The pollution issue around the world has reached an all-time high, while economically                          stable countries, are shipping thousands of tons of plastic waste to less financially viable nations in                order to get rid of our hard to recycle plastics. In the picture above we can see this woman from                     Ghana picking plastic waste that has been shipped from other countries and deemed the recycling                as  "unusable". The United States has been one of the biggest contributors to this issue, shipping                    plastics to different nations including, China, Malaysia

Favorite place in nature

                                                       My Favorite Place in Nature                                             1st Photo of Horse-shoe bay, by:  Captain-tucker(Wikipedia commons)                                                                           Horse-shoe Bay                                                                               My favorite place in nature is located in Bermuda, Horse-shoe                                    Bay, also known as the "pink sand beach" Given this name from the Shellfish in t                                                       area, giving the sand a soft pink tone. The crystal clear blue water                                                    crashing onto the pink sand is truly a breath-taking site to see.                                               Surrounded by towering rock structures and large palm trees, this secluded                                              beach has become one of the biggest tourist

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